What is Tarot
Tarot cards were first used in the 1500's by wealthy families that could afford to have their own deck commissioned for them.
Today, thanks to technology anyone can have a tarot reading any time they want!
There are 78 cards in the deck and it is divided into suits just like a deck of playing cards.
Readings can be done for a specific reason/question or it can just be a general reading. I would be happy to discuss which kind of reading would be best for you.

My story:
I am an Oklahoma wife, mother and animal lover who has a deep, unapologetic and abiding love for all things metaphysical. I also love people and I love helping people solve problems. I have several auto-immune disorders that keep me from working outside the home so I do this to help others. I give free tarot readings because it makes my heart happy!
I collect stones.
I collect tarot decks and oracle decks.
I collect books of all shapes and sizes.
I collect journals.
I collect animals.
I am an adventurous, humanitarian witch who believes in miracles.