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How much do you charge? (HINT: I don't...)As of March of 2020, I am no longer charging an hourly rate. My tarot readings are free. I will accept tips for my readings should you feel called to give but only if they're UNDER $20 please.
Are you a psychic or a medium?I don't believe that I am psychic. I've worked on my intuition for years and I do listen to that tiny little voice but I do not work with spirit guides.
Are your readings confidential?Absolutely. Anything you say to me will stay with me. Anything revealed by the cards will also stay between you and me.
Are email readings just as accurate as in-person readings?Yes! It's all about energy. The only things I need from a client is their birthdate (month and day only is just fine) and first and last name. These 2 things help me and the cards key in to your particular energy. Check out my reviews and feel free to get in touch and I'll answer any questions you may have!
Which tarot deck do you use?I have several different decks right now and I plan on adding (MANY) more. Sometimes I am drawn to a specific deck for a specific reading. Other times, it's just the one that is easiest for me to handle when my hands are bothering me. The Everyday Tarot by Biddy Tarot Radiant Rider-Waite by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Tarot by Running Press (Out of Print) The Fantastic Menagerie by Magic Realist Press (Out of Print) XIII Tarot by Nekro (Out of Print) The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba The Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans Spiritsong Tarot by Paulina Cassidy Tarot de la Nuit by Lo Scarabo Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabo Barbieri Zodiac Oracle Deck by Lo Scarabo Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson & Eugene Smith If you have a favorite out of the ones that are listed above, please feel free to let me know and I will use that deck for your reading.
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